Friday, January 29, 2010

Wy Does My Cat Bite His Blanket?

It's Uni Time .... Nischelhupper live @ TU Chemnitz

"Children's University" - Is the project of the TU Chemnitz, where tomorrow (30.01.2010) a session on traveling from the Children's Fund Chemnitz eV - specifically "on holidays", takes place.
addition to parents & children lectures on travel and (children) films, will make in the foyer of the Hösaalgebäudes Reichenhainer Str information booths, crafts street, floor hockey and music for entertainment. At 15:30 clock, we are then in the program to present a show of our choreography. Before us is a hip-hop band provide entertainment, which we will proceed with our "Show" seamlessly ....^^
So be there and seen us live. Best not until 15:30 be there - even more better!
- website of the Children's University Chemnitz
- homepage of "The traveling"
- "De Nischelhupper" blog / website


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