Sunday, April 25, 2010

Exspired Drivers Lisence

sunshine live again with 1st Class Dance LineUp ... while a farewell

Last Friday has DJ Klubbingman , along with the "Terminal 1 Dresden," and his -sunshine live radio show "Welcome to the Club. "- Invited On tour again in Eventwerk Dresden After the Wind Mountain Arena in Freital now no more than Location spend on it, the Eventwerk now fine as a new location While claiming not just under 10,000 people fit in, but still enough for a " mega rave ", which this time was almost sold out
The first was the host and WTTC -.. "Chef" DJ Klubbingman 's turn, with the only Dance & Trance in the hall full Feierextase said. As the finale of his set he played the hymn mega the 600th Anniversary Show " Another Day another Night" and there was hardly jmd . the da could remain silent.
was followed up with the next set of Lazard . Unlike the last time about 1 1 / 2 years with the WTTC she played from the start like a dance hit after another. She enchanted the fans not only with their looks, but also with party music at its best. At the end of the set, she announced, however, that this is the last Booking been under the name Lazard was and thanked all the fans for their loyalty and support in recent Lazard's. Under new names but it is new music by Sunny Marleen (her real name) pass. I of course took one last autograph and even had a chance to chat a bit with her. When asked why more Lazard she said that there are various reasons. Then hooked to decide whether a change would be a change of style with the basic - but she said only: "No - it is passed gas" ..... Super! ^ ^
As 3rd DJ of the evening was Money G (Ex-Member of Project " The Hitmen ) turn. Starting slowly ended with Electro & Trance his set with the dance blockbusters his ex-project (including . " Like I love you ").
Finally, put down DJ Dean a hammer-set, which also partially bissl Dance harder stuff, to some extent also Hardstyle was ready. Thus, happy and cheerfully celebrated to 5 clock and run with dm after sunrise in the rear home.
Again it was worth the journey and the full admission price least . 2010 will see at least another one WTTC in Dresden. And with the squad, it is sometimes advisable for each stop by!


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