During the 10th Classes on their math final papers were sweating, our school was an important visitor today from Kiel: Prime Minister Peter Harry Carstensen was the honor and was a lightning visit to our Institute. Of course he was immediately besieged by autograph hunters!
The recreation hall was packed, as the MP was welcomed by the headmaster. A 5th Class could perform a specially composed song.
The MP, was very pleased to once again be in Bredstedt, for here he was previously employed at the agricultural school!
The key word was "cheerful", and so children and adults were happy and cheerful! "When you're happy, then you learn better!" (Quote PHC)
After his short greeting and thanking the MP soars - obviously in a good mood and happy - with his entourage in the Class 6A, where he was watching a European project. Unfortunately, there is the above, no pictures, so we'll have to make do with these two ...
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