Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Much Is A Pearl Worth Today?

Preview .... a look at upcoming events

It's not like that the last few weeks have been boring. But teiweise so turbulent that I (once again) did not have time here a little to report. A very turbulent WE was the 30./31.10. Where I again went to my limits. Friday earlier 5 clock got to work, at night early in the morning then again at the Special D SAX Chemnitz, from there to a small Saturday shift work and then to jump meeting in Gera. After about 41 sleepless hours, it went against 20 clock to bed. And Sunday, then a bowling competition ... But now this brings too much heat up "cold coffee" nothing.
now I would rather take a look at the future and vlt. one meets in which one or other event sometimes personally? ^ ^
This evening is given in the EMC Stollberg a chance to gather again plus points. Today, namely Brooklyn Bounce as a guest, which is in itself a guarantee for quick celebration suitable for music - not so the Handtaschenknarz the otherwise there lately . Play My "Track of the Month" I have now changed once again. The new remix of the BB's hit "Club Bizarre" is just Headhunterz Noisecontrollers & Hammer, goes to the legs and ears (and since nothing around out ;))...
it is morning in a new round for the title fight in the cone-City League ...
Next Wednesday is Repentance and Prayer. And the opening of the "Tourist & Caravan International 2010" at the Leipzig fair, which opens its doors until Sunday. Wednesday I am busy with my Nischelhuppern and Leipzscher jumper for 2 gigs. This will ensure a great experience ...
on WE on be Nischelhupper we can fashion our new training room. The jumps on Nischel etc. are nice. But just in the coming winter session, it's nice to know a warm, dry place in the rear to have ...
On 1 Advent-WE I go to Holland. In Arnhem, refers back because the annual "Qlimax" instead. More On in a separate post ...^^
first December I'll be back a year older and 3 Scooter give a concert in Dresden , and I possibly would not have a nice B-Day gift. At present is still an application for a performance of Nischelhupper in this show ...
And the rest of the year is certainly still bring great experiences. Finally, it is Christmas ...
I hope I find the time as much as possible to tell the tale. So stay tuned and since the back and back again!


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